While we cannot all necessarily prevent cancer from happening, with most cancers, including oral, head and neck cancers, there are things that …
Loss of permanent teeth is more common than you’d think. The average adult age 20-34 is missing 1 permanent tooth, the average …
Common symptoms of Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder such as jaw pain, clicking or popping of the jaw and clenching are well known, …
These days, we all know someone who has a dental implant, and you have probably heard us champion these teeth substitutes, as …
Our patients often wonder why we recommend wisdom tooth extractions, or what the purpose of wisdom teeth even is. We are eager …
You tripped, you fell and now you have found yourself with a part of your tooth broken and the root exposed. A …
Tooth loss as a result of periodontal (gum) disease, facial trauma or tooth extractions can cause the jaw bone to atrophy, as …
Oral cancer has a bad reputation for being more deadly than some other forms of cancer that you hear of more commonly. …
Was this word the invention of an evil doctor who loves long and complicated words? No! Osseointegration actually derives from the Greek osteon, bone …
It seems like something out of a science fiction movie, but with our help, you can easily re-grow bone to treat many …
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Lewisville, TX 75057
New Patients: 972-764-8441
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